Wednesday 18 May 2011

the meetings

as it happens keith had arranged a meeting with clym, myself, and ben keswick to discuss the e-mail as he sensed that things needed to be discussed.
as it happened fahran was in college as well and he joined the meeting

we met and begun discussions

i felt it was rather important as we were able to discuss the issues we resolved problems and focussed on the completion of the kid character. we discussed that it was key for both of us to be updating work and that i was aware of clyms commitments to other projects and that any week that he was un able to work on our film that he send a simple message saying that he was working on another project so we know that time is not being wasted.
so we arranged for the kid to be done by the 18th of april. giving clym around 3 weeks to complete it. everyones happy.

after this we clym, tom rotchie and i met with mike smith to discuss the rigging progress on further films. mike suggested that the time line of my film be cut by half to account for time lost and that we needed to produce a render test of a scene a "beauty shot". agreed job done.

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